Freya and Frodo go swimming
A collaboration with the super talented illustrator Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir.
Would you like to join Freya and Frodo for a swim? You'll get to go on the waterslide and splash around in the hot tub but you you most definatly can't got to the deep end of the pool. Unless you can swim very well.
Freya and Frodo go swimming is a beautifully illustrated book with lively tale of a day at the swimming pool.
Text: Kristjana Friðbjörnsdóttir
Illustrator: Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir
Freyja og Fróði on FACEBOOK
„Fróði og Freyja skella sér í sturtuna. Pabbi brýnir fyrir þeim að þvo sér vel áður en þau klæða sig í sundfötin.
– Notið sápu, segir pabbi.
– Ég þoli ekki sápu, æpir Freyja. Mig svíður í augun af henni.
– Nú, vertu þá ekki að þvo þér um augun með sápunni, svarar pabbi.
Fróði æpir skyndilega, hóstar og frussar út úr sér vatni.
– Ég fékk vatn upp í nefið, skælir hann."
"The Freya and Frodo series are both fun and educational."
Guðríður Haraldsdóttir/Vikan

Freya and Frodo at the Dentist
A collaboration with the super talented illustrator Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir.Would you like to visit the dentist with Freya and Frodo? You can try the amasing dentist chair and check out all the cool stuff in the dentist's office. Maybe, if you are really lucky you will get magicpower on your teeth. Freya and Frodo go swimming is a beautifully illustrated book with lively tale of a visit to the dentist.
Text: Kristjana Friðbjörnsdóttir
Illustrator: Bergrún Íris Sævarsdóttir
Freyja og Fróði on FACEBOOK
„ En þetta er flottasta tækið mitt, segir Marta. – Þetta er hann Tannmann, bjargvættur skemmdra tanna.
Hún setur borinn í gang og ofurlágt suð berst frá honum.
– Vá! hvíslar Fróði. – Hann er flottur.
– Já, það er hann svo sannarlega, segir Marta. – En nú ætla ég að sýna ykkur hvernig ég leita að skemmdum tönnum. Freyja, opnaðu munninn."
"The text is lively and the illustrations beautiful."
Guðríður Haraldsdóttir/Vikan

The Principals of Olivia Alice
Olivia Alive just started blogging. There she tells everybody about her adventures, the strange people she meets (even though she might offend someone) and last but not least about all the bizarre principals which can be hard to follow.
The Principals of Olivia Alice is a hilarious story about the brat Olivia Alice. Olivia Alice has become a household name as her stories have already been published in Letters from Flatey Island, Olivia Alice’s Diary and Olivia Alice’s Travel Log.
For the first book the author, Kristjana Friðbjörnsdóttir, received The Children’s Book Awards from Reykjavik’s Educational Council in 2011.
Illustrations: Margrét Laxness
„ Fans of Olivia Alice will not be disappointed with this book. Caracterisation is brilliant as usual, the plot is good and the story is very well written. “
Ingveldur Geirsdóttir / Morgunblaðið
„When the group was ready outside of Earth Albina showed up packed with yellow ribbons. I immediately realized that now we where supposed to take part in some sort of game, which would have been boring enough, but no. Albina managed to top that. We were supposed to tie ourselves to a family member with them. Right on … tie together arm to arm and leg to leg. I was really supposed to hike a mountain with my mom who had never in her entire life climbed a mountain …"

Honor List
Olivia Alice's Travel Log
Two days after the school years has ended Oliva Anna’s grandma has invited her on a trip. She’s going to drive across Iceland in an ancient van and visit old friends. Olivia Alice isn’t sure about this trip but as she has her new tablet where she can hold a travel log she decides to join her. And here you have the travel log although it isn’t exactly like grandma pictured it.
Illustrations: Margrét Laxness
„After reading the three books on Olavia Anna she’s become one of my favorite fictional character“
fter reading the three books on Olavia Anna she’s become one of my favorite fictional character
Ingveldur Geirsdóttir / Morgunblaðið
„Grandma turned the engine on and hooted the horn while I climbed into the car she yelled out of the window: See you at the end of August, honeys!!! At the end of August!!! Do you understand this Anton Isaac? What have I done. I am trapped her for the next weeks in the ancient and ugly trailer which only gets up to 40 km per hour. Trapped with Hanna Gwendoline who acts like a governor. I don’t even know where we are going! "

The Diary of Olivia Alice
Olivia Alice is without a doubt the most unluckiest girl. Her parents are so mean! After they pressed her to spend a whole summer at an island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean they have now decided to move to the other end of Iceland, to a small village called Dalvík. Thankfully Olivia Alice just started keeping a diary where she can write her thoughts down and plan how she is going to escape.
Illustrations: Margrét Laxness
„This is light reading, the storyteller is spoild and bold, shy and forward… .“
Páll Baldvin Baldvinsson / Fréttatíminn
„Persónusköpun Kristjönu er virkilega góð, hvort sem um er að ræða börn eða fullorðna. Ólafía er sannfærandi 12 ára stelpa, athugul og komin með smágelgjustæla.”
Ingveldur Geirsdóttir / Morgunblaðið
„Frásögnin er hröð og létt og alveg bráðfyndin á köflum. Þrátt fyrir léttleikan er ljóst að alvara lífsins er skammt undan en með bjartsýni og fjörugu ímyndunarafli tekst Ólafía Arndís á við lífið. Stundum þarf hún smá aðstoð við að ráða fram úr hlutunum en það er líka bara hið besta mál.“
María Bjarkadóttir / Bókmenntavefurinn (www.bokmenntir.is)
„Matthildur is perfect. She’s the same age as Anton Isaac. I was a little bit startled when I first met her. Because she’s in a wheelchair. She didn’t have an accident or anything like that. She was just born paralyzed. I’ve never ever met anyone in a wheelchair before. I asked her how she goes to the loo. Anton Isaac told me that I am rude but Matthildur just laughed and explained to me that she requires help with that along with many other things. She for examples needs help in getting dressed, bathing, going to bed etc. OMG she must be so patient!"

Olivia Alice - Letters from Flaey Island
The school year is over and everyone are pleased that they finally get a break. That is everyone except Olivia Alice. What if she needs to repeat the fifth year just like Agnes teacher said? Yet Olivia Alice doesn’t give up. Even though the family has decided to spend the summer on an island in middle of the Atlantic she decides to write letters to her teacher. The letters were supposed to be about her studies yet the turn into stories about how Olivia Alice has been fighting terns and ghosts and her new friends. The island has turned into a treasure island.
The author, Kristjana Friðbjörnsdóttir, is well known for her books about the detective Felix Ferdinand and now a new character is born; Olivia Alice who is funny and clever. The books on Olivia Alice are perfect for children at the age of 7 to 12.
Illustrations: Margrét Laxness
„Terns are absolutely crazy birds. Not only do they scream at us but they took turns on plunge diving down and trying to pick our heads with their enormously sharp beaks. I took Christian and shielded him but at the same time a tern managed to peck my head. OMG it hurt so much. And suddenly something else happened. Through the tern screaming I suddenly heard screaming and all of a sudden a boy (more like a teenager) came running towards us with a piece of a driftwood in his hand and he waved it above his head like a maniac. He picked up Christian and ordered me to follow him, which I did with Robert under my arm."
„This is a lively and cheerful story.“
Ingveldur Geirsdóttir / Morgunblaðið
„I enjoyed this book very much. I've been to Flatey Island and I thind the author manages to describe the island really acuratly as well as highlighting everything you can do and expiriense there. I recommend this fantastic book to everyone who enjoys reading.“
Katrín Sigríður Steingrímsdóttir / Kids rewiew books -Fréttablaðið
The Reykjavik Educational Council Children’s Book Prize 2010

Felix Ferdinand - Napoleon's sword
Felix Ferdinand deserves a break after all he has been solving very difficult cases. But he hasn’t been in Paris for long when a new case drops into his lap. A bold thief has raided the city’s army museum in broad daylight and stolen emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’ s sword. The police immediately start investigating but the museum’s director trusts Felix and his associates better to get the job done. But is Felix ready to sacrifice his vacation?
Napoleon’s Sword is a funny book by the author Kristjana Friðbjörnsdóttir about the detective Felix Ferdinand, suitable for readers from the age of 7 to 12.
Illustrations: Eva Kristjánsdóttir
„Felix waved his hands like a mad man. But the speed boat kept heading towards them. Felix came really suspicious. Maybe this wasn’t just an innocent tourist. Maybe this was the person who had been sending him the threatening letters. Maybe he or she had now shown up to go through with the threat. How else could he explain that the person behind the wheel didn’t seem to want to see him and the boat was heading towards them at a rapid speed? Felix reacted just like a true detective does. Their only hope was that their seiner could get away from the speed boat. Felix grabbed the throttle control. Now the Leaking Lady would need to show her powers. Felix used all his powers to force the throttle control. At the exact same moment the engine died and the Leaky Lady stopped. Felix’s head banged on the steering wheel and Angelina and Pedro were thrown around in the boat. Angelina screamed …"

Felix Ferdinand - The Ransome
The clever detective Felix Ferdinand is ready for a new case. This time he’ll need to save the one and only principal of the detective school, Sebastian Smith, as he is been taken hostage. Thankfully Felix has a degree in footprints, is a specialist in fingerprints and isn’t afraid of anything. The super hamster Pedro, his good friend Angelina and her French trainy Grimm Diablea are eager to assist. The ransom the kidnappers are requested is no less than the necklace of the Goddess Freyja that Sebastian has been keeping safe but doesn’t remember where.The Ransom is the second book about the private detective Felix Ferdinand – a book that children at the age of 8-13 love to read and laugh their face off..
Illustrations: Eva Kristjánsdóttir
„A rapid and fun thriller where the cartoon world
meets the novel world.“
Hildur Heimisdóttir / Fréttablaðið
„Stop!!! Nooooooooooooo!“ Pedro Almarillo ran like a maniac down Felix’s arm and threw himself at the paralysing pen. Felix was stunned and drew his hand back but the pen got stuck in Pedro’s site.
Felix gasped and screamed and took the pen out. But it was too late. Pedro, who’s face had turned red with anger, hung on the driver’s seat and gave Felix his earful.
„You, you, …ignorante … fool!!! Are you going to kill the alien when he’s our only hope on surviving the end of the world. Have you gone completely loco!!! Estúpido! And then you are goin to … ooo …“ All of a sudden Pedro looked really strange and lost his grip of the seat. Felix just caught him. He was totally paralysed, well except for his angry eyes that said more than thousand words."

Felix Ferdinand - The Shadow Watch
Felix Ferdinand just graduated from Sebastian’s Detective School and immediately his first case lands on his desk. Like any brilliant detective he’s ready to solve the mystery along with his eager helpers.
This is the first book about the private detective Felix Ferdinand. The task is to find the deadly golden watch that vanished in mysteriously and of course also to become a world-known detective.
Felix Ferdinand and the Shadow Watch is an exciting and hilarious book for kids from the age of 8 to 13.
Illustrations: Ingi Jensson
„The book starts off with a bang … and continues on that path. Fun and buzz in every sentence which I loved. And readers at the age of 8-11 years old will definitely feel the same.“
Hildur Loftsdóttir / Morgunblaðið
„OMG please place both hands on the stick” screamed Felix when the plane started spinning in the air.
It felt like years though it were only seconds and the plane started plunging toward the earth at a rapid speed. Felix’s face turned green from plane sickness and Angelina kept her face in her palms and shook back and forth. Pedro, who was still half asleep and crumbled beside Martin came around in all the commotion and started chanting confusingly “O sole mio – there is no trio .. without Miss Gio …” before he passed out again.
“I see a land ahead my friends” said Martin totally relaxed."